Dear Friends,
Happy New Year to you all.
“And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that never were.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke
As we transition into a new year, Rainer Maria Rilke’s words in the quote above hit close to the heart. A fresh, new calendar looms on the horizon, full of exciting new possibilities.
The sun sets on 2023
This can be a time to think about what we want for ourselves in the new year. It could be about accomplishing something, it could be about learning something new, it could be finding ways to feel more content and peaceful, of honoring our bodies. It could be asking ourselves how we can serve. It doesn’t have to be earth-shattering. What is it that resonates for you? What wants to deepen perhaps? What are the possibilities you are drawn to doing? What’s the first baby step? Will you commit to taking it?
We all have an innate creative instinct, just as we all have an innate spiritual instinct. In fact, they are not separate. When we rest deeply in the silence of our own True Nature, when that deep rest reveals to us we are far more than this body/mind, the creative impulse naturally arises. This is the state where Edison came up with the light bulb, where Einstein found E=mc2, where the great artists, composers, song writers, etc. manifest the possibilities that never were. At the deepest level, this is why we are drawn to Yoga and meditation, to know ourselves as Truth, as Spirit and then create beauty in all its myriad forms.
Below are some possibilities that you may find both meaningful and fun for 2024.
Willow Street 30th Anniversary Celebration
January 12-14!
It was 30 years ago, January of 1994 that I opened a small single studio on Willow Street in Takoma Park, DC. We started with 160 students and grew to more than 2000 students a week, changed locations, added another location, and went on to become the largest Anusara Yoga Center in the U.S. A lot has changed since then but Willow Street Yoga is still alive and well, under the direction of my son, Joe Miller. We are celebrating this 30th anniversary the weekend of Jan. 12-14.
Suzie & Joe in Lolasana Arm Balance many moons ago!
There will be wonderful offerings the entire weekend so do check them all out and all are FREE, save for my 3 hour workshop which is $30. My workshop is on Sunday Jan. 14 from 1:00-4:00 with some of our earliest and most popular teachers, including Maria Hamburger, Jenny Otto, Kelly Fisher, Marion Griffin, Diana Tokaji, Heather Schwartz, Kathy Carroll and Joe. This promises to be a fun walk down memory lane, seeing old friends and teachers, and doing a great practice. All workshops are in person only.
Here’s the link to register!
Back row: Diana Tokaji, Kathy Hart, Jenny Otto
Front row: Rachel Greene (sadly passed), me, Heather Schwartz
Sometime in 1997 when we moved to 6930 Carroll Ave, Takoma Park, MD
Scotland in the Spring!
We have had a few cancellations in Week 1 and Week 2 for Scotland. The first week is with me teaching alone, and the second week with Maria Hamburger and I teaching together. We will be on the bonnie bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. British Airways airfare has actually come down a bit, and travel is quite easy from BWI to London, and then a hop to Glasgow. This promises to be an amazing trip. Find out more here.
A new year is all about possibilities. It’s a blank slate waiting for you to dream, to serve, to create, to know. We are at a critical juncture, not only in our country, but in our very world and our planet. I urge you to dream big, serve well, and be the highest force for good you can be. Wishing each of you the very best in 2024, and hope to see you on the mat!
Namaste with Love,