Welcome to what I sincerely hope is a joy filled summer.
Perhaps you are wisely doing some supported Downward Facing Dogs to help you through these Dog Days of Summer! Our Pitta dosha (think fiery energy) is aggravated by excess heat and we want to calm and quiet the nervous system through more cooling poses, such as a supported Dog Pose, gentle Twists, Forward Bends and supported Inversions. Our summers are getting hotter and that’s not “fake news!” It was 113 in France recently. No longer can we say we are in the midst of Climate Change – we are full on into Climate Crisis. I believe we must do all we can individually and collectively to save our planet. Our lifestyle is at risk and may change drastically as early as the next 5-10 years, not to mention the future suffering of our children and grandchildren. If you’ve done any reading from the top scientists, you know how dire the situation is.
Besides joining a local chapter in your area, please consider donating to a reputable organization such as Climate Reality, Sierra Club or 350.org. And do check out my dear friend and climate activist Betsey Downing’s amazing resource list on what else you can do. It is a goldmine!
John and I spent two and a half glorious weeks in June driving around the Scottish Highlands (Isle of Skye is magnificent) and then on to Ireland and the Ring of Kerry and the Dingle Peninsula. All were fabulous! It is amazing to see how these countries are so far beyond the US ecologically on many levels. We especially loved the openness and friendliness of the people, eating at many of the local pubs and striking up conversations with our neighbors at the next table. Getting used to driving on the left side of the road was challenging. After taking out the left passenger mirror two hours into our first rental car, I did quite well the rest of the trip! Many of the roads are “one track” which means one lane, with no shoulders and prayers that big lorries and tourist buses don’t show up! All makes for a more exciting adventure!
Wishing each of you a playful and joy filled rest of your summer. I believe joy is our birthright. It is innate and natural. I immediately recognize when it wells up in me; that sense of elation, optimism, and knowing that all is truly well, despite outer circumstances. My energy seems to move upward! Joy connects what once felt separate. Joy has within it great strength and a great vulnerability. I feel joy is the movement of divinity within and it is ever present. We have only to take time to tap into what’s already there, finding it in small things as well as large. I try to bring a sense of joy into all my classes and workshops because we all deserve to remember that we are joy!
Please scroll down for a peek of the joy that might await you!