Dear Ones,
It has been a lovely Spring here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. The transition from the end of the Winter season to Spring speaks of the fullness of life and beauty. From the earliest buds of daffodils, forsythia, and magnolia blossoms, to the now rich blossoms of peonies, hydrangeas and roses, our incredible earth gives us this time of wonder.
Sidled by a severe hamstring injury in Pickle Ball, I’ve taken to walking and bike riding and have loved just witnessing Nature as one thing dies with another taking its place. Transitions are a beautiful part of life and not to be taken for granted, but to be savored and studied. We are all transitioning in one way or another as the evolutionary impulse spurs us onward and upward, despite our resistance and denial.
Our yoga practice helps to keep us centered, grounded and present to the more challenging transitions we encounter, and to navigate them with more awareness and patience. Maria Hamburger and I are looking forward to our annual Yoga & Meditation Weekend at Shepherds Spring November 15-17th. Registration just opened and you can read more about it here.
I’d been toying with the idea of doing a yoga vacation in Scotland for some time, and when one of my yoga students found us an incredible venue on the bonny bonny banks of Loch Lomond, I booked it immediately for May 25-June 1 of 2024. No sooner than I announced it to my Oxford and Willow Street students, and even before I could get it up on my website, it filled.
I am now taking names for cancellations (it is a year away and things happen!) but also for interest in a possible second week from Monday June 10 – 17, 2024. If you’re interested, please email me to be put on either list. You can find more information about the venue called Ardoch here.
In the meantime, I know I will see some of you in my Oxford and Easton classes or perhaps online on Tuesday at 1:00 in the class I teach for Willow Street Yoga in Takoma Park.
Enjoy these last magnificent days of Springtime beauty before the scorchy days of Summer are upon us, but enjoy that transition too.
Namaste with Love,