Dear Ones,
Below is an un-doctored picture taken by one of our Oxford residents from the head of the Town Creek when this rainbow graced our little Village not long ago. It is a stone’s throw from where we live and I’m taking it as a good omen for 2022!!
We are almost four months into a new year and the only constant is change! Change can bring us to the edge of fear and anxiety due to its uncertainty. Can you imagine being a Ukranian resident suddenly invaded by an army determined to take over your country? Uncertainty can be terrifying, threatening our very security. Yet, if we are grounded in a strong practice of Yoga and Meditation, we can more easily deal with the unforeseen changes that will certainly come our way.
And change can also be for the better. For example, Maria and I had to cancel our popular Jamaica Yoga Vacation for the second year in a row which was not an easy decision, but covid once again, won out. Yet, because of that, John and I did a 12 day spontaneous getaway to the little known island of Vieques, part of and off the coast of Puerto Rico. We recently returned and I was so enthralled by this best kept secret of beauty, accessibility, affordability and friendliness of people everywhere, I decided to do a Yoga Retreat there this coming Sept. (see more below!) So without that disappointing initial change of plans, I might never have found Vieques!
We still plan to do our Jamaica Yoga Vacation however, and the dates for that are January 28 to February 4 of 2023 at the same location, Coral Seas on the Cliffs of Negril
The way in which we view change has important ramifications for our lives. The more we resist change, the more stuck we will stay. The more we can embrace and accept change, the more our lives will flow. Because that’s what change is, each moment in time flows into the next moment, making that moment the present and only moment. Change is fluid, yet it is constant. In fact, one definition of Enlightenment or Self-Realization is just that: It’s a change in perception. Rather than seeing from the limited small self of conditioned thinking, one sees from a more Universal point of view, a more spacious and open Oneness with all things. There is an intimacy that happens between the observer and the object being observed.
So my invitation to you is to surrender into the flow of your own life, into the changeless current of the Absolute, trusting that you will be guided by the Greater Energy to the most benevolent outcomes. And enjoy the ride always!
Please browse my website for a full look at my upcoming offerings. You’ll find for more information and links to register.
Namaste with Love,